I’m learning Erlang. I’ll get into “why” in some other post - the purpose here is to share my first sample program and solicit feedback. The purpose of the program is to start print the contents of a file system from the indicated point downwards (ignoring symlinks).
The application has a single module, walker, which exports walk/1. The argument to walk/1 is the starting path. For example: > walker:walk("/home").
This method prints the path name, determines the type of the current path (file, directory or symlink), and then IFF the path is a directory it calls filelib:wildcard to get the children of the path and repeats the process on them.
is_symlink(Path) ->
case file:read_link_info(Path) of
{ok, #file_info{type = symlink}} ->
_ ->
file_type(Path) ->
IsRegular = filelib:is_regular(Path),
case IsRegular of
true ->
false ->
case is_symlink(Path) of
true ->
false ->
walk(Path) ->
io:format("~s~n", [Path]),
FileType = file_type(Path),
case FileType of
file ->
symlink ->
directory ->
Children = filelib:wildcard(Path ++ "/*"),
lists:foreach(fun(P) -> walk(P) end, Children)
My questions about this module are:
- Does calling walk(P) in a foreach prevent tail recursion optimizations?
- Where I have “case FileType of” (in walk/1) is there a more succinct way to express that?
- Why doesn’t read_file_info ever return file_info#type==symlink?
- How should this have really been done?
I’ll be working on answering #1-3 on my way to learning #4 - but if you have any feedback I would love to hear it.
The next step is to make this message based and have the walk/1 method send messages to a consumer who will do the printing.
The next-next step is to RabbitMQ and setup one producer and three consumers - one for files, one for directories and one for symlinks. The walk/1 method will no longer print the file info but rather send the appropriate message and let the consumers print the messages.