Here’s a follow-up post that provides a better implementation.
I wanted to try and bite off something a little larger today hitting a few areas that seem generally useful:
- Basic text file operations
- Basic string operations
- Using the gb_trees module
- Avoiding any usage of lists:foreach; instead using tail recursion (that whole “thinking in Erlang” thing).
The problem is to produce the word frequency of a specific text file and to print out the frequency information. For example if a file overdunn.txt contained the text:
“Dunn was over Unger and I was over Dunn.” (Capt. Oveur, Airplane II: The Sequel)
The output would be:
Dunn: 2 I: 1 Unger: 1 and: 1 over: 2 was: 2
Word frequencies have some practical uses (fuzzy text matching, building tag clouds, etc). So while it’s a bit contrived it is the basis for something useful.
The code doesn’t need a lot of explanation - so here you go …
%% matches/* and words/1 From:
matches(H,{match,M}) -> matches(H,M,[]).
matches(_,[],Acc) -> Acc;
matches(H,[{I,L}|T],Acc) ->
words(String) -> matches(String,regexp:matches(String, "[A-Za-z0-1]+")).
%% builds a tree of word/count pairs. If the word does not exist in
%% the tree it is added with an initial value of 1. If the word does
%% exist the count is retrieved and incremented
build_word_tree([], Tree) -> Tree;
build_word_tree([W|R], Tree) ->
case gb_trees:is_defined(W, Tree) of
true ->
Count = gb_trees:get(W, Tree),
NewTree = gb_trees:update(W, Count + 1, Tree),
build_word_tree(R, NewTree);
false ->
NewTree = gb_trees:insert(W, 1, Tree),
build_word_tree(R, NewTree)
%% reads the next line from the file. If there is data then...
%% split the data into a list of words and add those to the word tree
process_each_line(IoDevice, Tree) ->
case io:get_line(IoDevice, "") of
eof ->
{error, Reason} ->
Data ->
NewTree = build_word_tree(words(Data), Tree),
process_each_line(IoDevice, NewTree)
%% walks the gb_tree and prints each word/count pair
print_tree(Iter) ->
case gb_trees:next(Iter) of
none -> ok;
{Key, Val, NewIter} ->
io:format("~s: ~w~n", [Key,Val]),
%% opens the indicated file, processes the contents and prints
%% out the word/count pairs to stdout
print_word_counts(Filename) ->
case file:open(Filename, read) of
{ok, IoDevice} ->
Tree = process_each_line(IoDevice, gb_trees:empty()),
{error, Reason} ->
io:format("~s~n", [Reason])
As usual - I’m just getting started with Erlang. What is the good, bad and ugly with this code?