When writing blog posts I like to use “tip” sections to call out key points. Here’s a screenshot:

A screenshot of a tip section

At first I created these by hand with custom HTML and CSS but after doing it a couple of times I decided to make a reusable component that I could more easily add to the site.

I added the file _includes/tip.html to my Jekyll installation with the following contents:

<div class="tip" style="
    background-color: {{ include.background_color | default:  '#ECF7FF' }};
    border-left: 6px solid {{ include.border_color | default:  '#0065B4' }};
    padding: 1em 1em 1em 1em;
    display: flex;
    column-gap: 2rem;
    margin: 2em 2em 2em 2em;">
  <p class="tip-bulb" style="
    font-family: 'Font Awesome 5 Free';
      vertical-align: middle;
      font-weight: 900;
      font-size: {{ include.bulb_size | default:  '3em' }};
      color: {{ include.bulb_color | default:  '#ff6f00' }};">{{ include.icon | default:  '&#xf0eb;' }}</p>
  <p class="tip-content">{{ include.content }}</p>

This defines a div to hold the entire tip (the class tip is unused, but maybe it will be useful for someone). Then there is a paragraph that contains the tip character - in this case a Font Awesome lightbulb with some styling. This is followed by the tip contents. Also notice that some of the colors and sizes are configurable with reasonable defaults.

To use this I now can add tips like:

{% include tip.html content="Early boarding is very busy and you will be crammed into a room with a lot of other people.  If you have crowd anxiety, you may want to select a later boarding time." %}

This renders like:

Early boarding is very busy and you will be crammed into a room with a lot of other people. If you have crowd anxiety, you may want to select a later boarding time.

But let’s say I wanted to change it up a little. I want to change the icon to a big down stonk and I want the colors to be red to really highlight how far down the stonks are.

I’ll use the customizations like this:

  include tip.html 
  content="Things aren't looking great!" 

Things aren't looking great!

If you want to use this reusable component you can download the latest version of tip.html and get started!