The first episode of The X-Files I ever saw was the Home. I was hooked immediately - and at the same time somewhat disappointed. This was before on-demand TV, hulu or DVD compilations on NetFlix. I had missed more than 3 seasons of a what was clearly going to be one of my favorite shows and there the only way to catch up was the hope that the next rerun would be one I hadn’t seen. Then it got all weird and aliens were showing up too often, Mulder basically disappeared and The Lone Gunman got their own spinoff …
Learning Erlang is a little like seeing the first episode. I’m hooked immediately - and at the same time somewhat disappointed. I’m years behind again. At least this time I don’t need to fret over not being able to find the reruns I want and there is very little risk that Dean Haglund will make an appearance (I bet Langly knew Erlang).
A few minutes ago I had my first significant Aha! moment. In my effort to map what I do know (procedural/OO paradigms) to Erlang I wondered “how would a balance tree be implemented in Erlang”. I binged (yeah, I said it) for “Erlang balanced trees” and quickly found the gb_trees module.
What I wanted to understand was:
- How is the tree represented in Erlang?
- How is the tree (and it’s nodes) modified (insert, update, delete, etc)?
- Can processes share the same tree (and how is concurrency handled)?
How is the tree represented in Erlang?
This took me the longest to understand - but once it fell into place everything else made so much more sense. If you are curious go ahead and open up gb_trees.erl (on my machine it’s in /usr/lib/erlang/lib/stdlib-1.15.5/src) - now go to the definition of the node and tree types. Go ahead… I’ll wait.
Found them yet? No? Maybe it’s in some header file. Feel free to check … in the meantime I’ll continue.
Ready for this? There isn’t one. You don’t need to define a tree or node type - it’s just a tuple that gets passed around and interpreted at runtime. Not quite clear? OK - if we were going to define it, it would look something like this:
{Size, {Key, Value, Smaller, Bigger}}
- Size is the number of nodes in the tree (which is used for balancing).
- Key is the key of the current node.
- Value is the value associated with Key.
- Smaller is the nodes that are smaller (i.e. “to the left”).
- Bigger is nodes that are bigger (“to the right”).
These functions really helped make it much clearer:
%%-spec(empty/0 :: () -> gb_tree()).
empty() ->
{0, nil}.
%%-spec(is_empty/1 :: (gb_tree()) -> bool()).
is_empty({0, nil}) ->
is_empty(_) ->
%%-spec(size/1 :: (gb_tree()) -> non_neg_integer()).
size({Size, _}) when is_integer(Size), Size >= 0 ->
“size” says so much it’s wonderful. Besides the obvious of getting the size of the tree it also validates that the size is greater-than-or-equal-to zero otherwise there will be an exception. This is a great example of Erlang failing fast. Try it out:
2> gb_trees:size({-1, {[]}}).
** exception error: no function clause matching gb_trees:size({-1,{[]}})
See - the clause doesn't match and an exception is thrown. Think of the comparable C++ code. It would look something like:
int size(Tree *tree) {
if (tree == null) {
throw ...;
if(tree->size < 0) {
throw ...;
return tree->size;
How is the tree modified?
I think gb_trees:update is the most approachable example of this. Besides being crazy small it is a very clear example of how the tree is walked to search for the key and how error handling is meant to be done.
%%-spec(update/3 :: (_, _, gb_tree()) -> gb_tree()).
update(Key, Val, {S, T}) ->
T1 = update_1(Key, Val, T),
{S, T1}.
%% See \`lookup' for notes on the term comparison order.
update_1(Key, Value, {Key1, V, Smaller, Bigger}) when Key < Key1 ->
{Key1, V, update_1(Key, Value, Smaller), Bigger};
update_1(Key, Value, {Key1, V, Smaller, Bigger}) when Key > Key1 ->
{Key1, V, Smaller, update_1(Key, Value, Bigger)};
update_1(Key, Value, {_, _, Smaller, Bigger}) ->
{Key, Value, Smaller, Bigger}.
Notice first that since update is never changing the size it does not bother to pass it to update_1 - only the “node” portion of the tuple is passed.
Once passed there are four possible options - three of which need to be codified (in the same order as the code):
- The provided key is smaller than the current tree node. In this case build up a new result and call update_1 with update_1(Key, Value, Smaller) - “walk left”
- The provided key is larger than the current tree node. Walk right.
- The provided key is exactly the current node key (not too big … not to small … just right!). In this case build up a new node with the new value.
- (implicit) The provided key is not in the tree. Throw an exception.
In the case where the node is not found update_1 ends up being called like:
update_1(Key, Value, nil)
Since the match on #1-3 require a non-nil tuple this turns into a missing function clause error.
Can processes share the same tree?
No. No they can’t. I was having a little trouble groking this until I ran through some samples in erl. This is what made it clear for me:
1> Tree = gb_trees:empty(). {0,nil}
2> Tree2 = gb_trees:insert("Foo", "Bar", Tree). {1,{"Foo","Bar",nil,nil}}
3> Tree3 = gb_trees:update("Foo", "NewBar", Tree2). {1,{"Foo","NewBar",nil,nil}}
4> Tree4 = gb_trees:update("Missing", "value", Tree3). ** exception error: no function clause matching gb_trees:update_1("Missing","value",nil) in function gb_trees:update_1/3 in call from gb_trees:update/3
Each time anything was done a new tree was created - the old tree was still valid and could be used but it was not the new tree. It’s the old tree. This boggled me for a few minutes until Justin Sheehy confirmed what the code was saying.
So no - multiple processes could not possibly share the tree because the tree is immutable.
Want proof? Go back to erl and run gb_trees:get on the key “Foo” on Tree, Tree2 and Tree3. Tree will error (it’s an empty tree). Tree2 will find “Bar” and Tree3 will find “NewBar”.
14> gb_trees:get("Foo", Tree). ** exception error: no function clause matching gb_trees:get_1("Foo",nil)
15> gb_trees:get("Foo", Tree2). "Bar" 16> gb_trees:get("Foo", Tree3). "NewBar"`